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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Leopard Makes Himself at Home

Leopard Makes Himself at Home
(Can You Believe It? Book 1 by Jann Huizenga)

Quick Reading
Chandigarh, India. A four-year-old boy is at home watching TV. He goes to the kitchen and tells his mother, "There's a tiger in the bedroom." She laughs, thinking he is talking about a TV program. Later, she looks into the bedroom. She is horrified by what she sees. There's a leopard watching TV on the bed! She grabs her son and runs away. The leopard soon turns over and falls asleep. When forest department officials arrive, the leopard is still taking a nap. They take him to a zoo.

New Idioms and Expressions
make oneself at home - make yourself comfortable in someone else's home
at home - in your house or apartment
be horrified by something - feel shock and horror at something
run away - leave quickly; escape
turn over - turn to the other side
fall asleep - begin to sleep
take a nap - sleep for a short time during the day

Complete the Idiom
a. leave quickly; escape                         = run _ _ _ _
b. begin to sleep                                   = fall _ _ _ _ _ _
c. turn to the other side                         = turn _ _ _ _
d. sleep for a short time during the day   = take a _ _ _
e. in your house                                     = at _ _ _ _

About the Story
a. Where is the little boy watching TV?
b. What does he tell his mother? Does she believe him?
c. Later, what is she horrified by?
d. What does she do?
e. What does the leopard do after watching TV?
f. What is he doing when officials arrive?
g. In your opinion, how did the leopard get in the house?

About You
h. Who make themselves at home at your house?
i. What do you like to do at home?
j. Do you like to take a nap?
k. When do you usually fall asleep at night?
l. Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?

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